Friday, October 18, 2013

“The central region of the the country is having a meeting of all interested Lighting Sprint organizations in an attempt to standardize a few basic rules or guidelines and help determine an accepted tech procedure. This meeting is scheduled for November 16, 2013 in western Indiana. All organizations are encouraged to send some sort of representation. Whether you accept or decline any of the decisions/suggestions, your input and experience would be most appreciated. After all, we are all striving for the betterment of Lighting Sprint racing and this is an opportunity for every organization to contribute to that cause.

If interested, please contact Mark Billings (573) 289-7708 (, Phil Heavelow (913) 371-5212 ( or Damon Fortune (812) 208-7835 ( for exact time and location. Plus a means to determine body count for a lunch that Mr. Fortune has so graciously offered to provide. For a better controlled and efficient meeting, we would like to see 1-3 individuals for any interested organization. Therefore, it might be advantageous for those individuals to conduct their own regional meeting prior to the November meeting to determine what issues each group wants brought to the table for discussion.

Please note this is not intended to be a “binding” rules meeting. Simply an effort to determine some basic guidelines and tech procedures for some of the the upcoming “National” caliber events and possibly a standardization process between organizations. At this time, this is NOT an attempt to actually form a “membership required” National organization.”